Arizona 2022

2022. The year I ventured out of my hometown of Fairbanks, AK. During the 4 months I spent in Tucson, AZ I had the chance to experience a world that up until that point was completely foreign to me. Sure, I’d been to the lower 48 multiple times before this trip but up until then I hadn’t lived anywhere that wasn’t home. Even though it was only temporary I met many good friends in the time I was there. It also showed me how ~75 degrees is considered (cool) in other parts of the US.

The photos below were some of the many I took in the time i was there. Mainly from two cameras, a Sony A7II w/ a Tamron 17-28mm f/2.8 Lens or a Hasselblad H1 w/ a Leaf Aptus 75 33MP digital back and a Hasslblad HC 80mm f/2.8 Lens


Summer Days

